Home Alone film series
Table of Content Production Video Other Lists by Rubendhrah Movies Preview In other projects He then bumps into two of his old enemies, who plan to rob a toy store. Too many sequels suffer from Deja Vu, and hardly any of those carbon copies improve upon the original. Home Alone 2 is a carbon copy, but it's also much better and more complex a movie than the first. Internet Archive's in-browser video player requires JavaScript to be enabled. Trump says down the hall and to the left, but Kevin turns right and arrives at the lobby. Devin Ratray as Buzz McCallister, Kevin's oldest brother who often gets him into trouble even though he instigates trouble with Kevin. The McCallister family is preparing to spend Christmas in Miami, and gathers at Peter and Kate's Chicago home. Their youngest son, Kevin, views Florida as contradictory to Christmas, due to its tropical climate and lack of Christmas trees. Production On Christmas morning, a truckload of free gifts arri...